Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Jamie's report

Warning - cringe-inducing parental gushings below:
Jamie got her end-of-term report today. As I've previously mentioned she has been working hard on her own on her reading recently, and in the past few weeks also on her sums, so it wasn't really a surprise that the teachers' remarks were very positive. Her form teacher writes:
I am very satisfied with Jamie's progress! She is a happy girl in class, and enjoys participating in all activities.
Her work is excellent. None of the other teachers have any problem with her. Her reading level is very good. She is interested and attentive. I hope she continues along the same line.
And her English teacher writes: Jamie applies herself very well in English lessons.

They give green, orange or red marks - representing good, improving or needs improvement - for various aspects, and Jamie got 40 green marks out of 40. These aspects include general ones like 'participates enthusiastically' or 'listens attentively' and curriculum-specific ones like 'can read words and phonemes containing the consonants l, s, m, p, t, d, b, v, n and f' and 'can produce verbal messages using the present and future tenses'.

She's very excited about her Christmas pageant tomorrow.

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