Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Emotional blackmail

This morning Jamie wanted to wear a skirt, but for several reasons this was not practical today so Carmen said no. After asking, pleading and whining again 17 times and receiving 17 noes for answers, she went into her room, tidied it, made her bed perfectly and drew a picture of three faces of girls all with down-turned mouths and placed it on the bed, then put on her most pathetic voice to ask mummy once more if she could wear a skirt, otherwise she'd be like the girls in the picture. We cracked up.

It's an interesting time, she's just about to turn 6 and she's gradually losing some of that wonderful infant innocence. It used to be possible to buy her off or distract her with a lollypop or similar, these days she won't fall for that trick any more! Another one that works less and less these days is 'let's have a race to see who can get dressed (etc.) first'. Sigh! It was good while it lasted.

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