Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Mid-winter limbo

I wanted to post a long piece on our very enjoyable trip to England, and haven't got around to it yet. Maybe later ;o)

It's a real limbo time at the moment with work not started up yet and Reyes Magos still to come, and the kids still off school. I'm looking forward to next week when the routine starts up again. On the other hand I'm enjoying the lack of stress. Trouble is there's a pile of things I was supposed to do this week, bookkeeping and tidying up at the top of the list, and I haven't done either yet. The days seem to
be slipping past without me getting anything done. I haven't been jogging or cycling either, typical mid-winter lethargy.

The Reyes have a procession through the village tomorrow evening, and hopefully Jamie
will be joining her friends on one of the floats, helping distribute sweets to us greedy onlookers. I will have my video camera at the ready, of course.

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