Thursday, January 27, 2005

Flat site

Please take a look at our website for the flat and tell me what you think. The chap who designed it for me has suggested I put in additional things like directions for getting here, a map and climate details (hey, we don't want to scare anyone off now!) which (seriously) are probably a good idea. Any other suggestions also welcome. I could lose the banner ad at the top of the page by moving the site to webspace at my ISP, although the address is pretty cool where it is. Plus it has a user-friendly editing interface which is very useful for an HTML ignoramus like me. Does the banner ad intrude excessively / at all?

Feel free to print the ad out and (after carefully cropping off the banner ad!) pin it to noticeboards at work or wherever you think it would be effective. In fact this version is probably better for this than the final one with map, directions, climate, etc.

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