Sunday, February 06, 2005


We had a quiet Saturday at home until 6.30 when we went out to watch the main carnival events. We finally managed to persuade Danny to keep his knight's outfit on and Jamie was all princessed up. Groups of friends and neighbours do joint themes with small floats, so there was a bunch of Spitfire pilots with their own cardboard Spitfires around their waists, nuns, astronauts, etc., plus a smattering of celebrities. These groups got up on stage in turn to sing songs with hard-hitting & amusing political texts. Most of them laid into the mayor, as is the case most years, although we heard this morning that he got laid into in a more physical manner later on last night...

We went off for a drink with some friends and the kids played together. Just as the main parade was ready to begin, the rain started... Well what does one expect in February, it's not Rio after all.

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