Wednesday, February 02, 2005


The kids are slowly getting better although still a little peaky. Jamie went to school this morning, and at lunchtime she looked as though she wasn't in any state to go back for the afternoon, but when the time came she suddenly picked up. Carmen went along to help make mardi gras costumes with a group of other parents (in a different room to the kids) so maybe that got Jamie motivated. Danny went to the creche this morning and was fine.

They were both very weak and wishy washy in the evening though, and Danny was coughing a lot, so I gave him some liquid paracetamol. I must say we've been very lucky that they've both slept through most nights.

Carmen and I are both coming down with it now, unfortunately, Carmen was very feverish at tea time, and I was fighting against it in order to get the kids fed and to bed. Our busy and stressful day didn't help - we heard yesterday from Nuria that someone was interested in our flat for a few months, obviously not at tourist rates but at this time of year you're happy for anything. Trouble was she had to move in
today, and the flat still had all the videos, cds, books and assorted office supplies in it. So we spent a busy morning, Carmen cleaning, me moving stuff down to the lock-up and juggling stuff from cupboard to cupboard. Plus we had to get a plumber in as the tap in the kitchen wouldn't shut off.

We managed to do a passable job - obviously (for those who've been there!) we didn't get rid of all our stuff in such a short time, we'll have to go back later and finish it off. The tenant is a stand-in teacher and very friendly and flexible, wasn't bothered about the storage space as she's on her own.

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