Sunday, March 13, 2005


The pictures below tell the story so there's not a huge amount to add, suffice to say we had a great time at Circus Alex Zavatta yesterday. It was very small-scale, like all the circuses that visit San Vicente: the audience was less than 100 for the prime-time 5 o'clock Saturday show. But this time the staff were friendly, everything looked in reasonably good working order, no seating collapsed (!) and the performers gave their all with genuine enjoyment and polished showmanship.

Danny was mesmerised during the first half, and only started getting fidgetty towards the end of the second half. Each new act pulled his attention back though, so he made it through to the end without having to go off and play somewhere, or whatever.

The show started with a performing dog act, played for slapstick laughs, which was brilliant because it grabbed the kids' attention straight away and got them laughing. The previous 2 circuses we'd been to here started with the lion and tiger tamers, which would not have worked so well for Danny as he might have been scared from the start.

The show had been advertised as having 'powerful heating', but this was a predictable exaggeration, and we all stayed wrapped up in our coats and were glad to get back into the car and switch the heating on at the end.

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