Sunday, March 20, 2005

Father's weekend - part 3

This morning I went out for a bike ride with Rodolfo, and we decided to go and see if we could find the fire. There had been nothing in the local newspapers this morning, either printed or online, which was strange. The plane reappeared as I was getting the bike out, but by the time we were on the road there was no smoke and the plane had gone home, and we never spotted any sign of a fire big enough to merit a plane.

But we had a very pleasant 30-km ride, much further than Rodolfo was expecting, as it was his first time on his bike in about 3 years, but he coped very well with the long hill up to Labarces. We stopped at the bar at the top of the hill for refreshments, and someone there told us that the fire had been a controlled one, although this seemed a bit strange to me, I couldn't understand why they would need a plane in that case.

Rodolfo took a couple of photos, which I will post here later when he has sent them to me.

After I got home, we took the kids down the playground briefly before lunch, but after 15 minutes Danny came to sit next to us on the bench. He'd missed his nap two days running, and after all the efforts of the previous day he was exhausted. He's now napping soundly in his cot - for the very last time, as I will be taking it apart after he wakes up, ready for it to be collected later by its new owners.

We'll be moving Jamie's old bed (his new bed) into his room this afternoon as well, and Jamie will sleep on her inflatable Winnie the Pooh bed until her new furniture finally arrives (which she is really unhappy about - not!).

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