Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Nice one

Went shopping this morning in Carrefour Santander, and filled two trolleys with storage boxes, duvet covers, sheets, washing liquid and various bits and pieces. €231. At the till we were given 4 tickets for a store promotion lottery to win the value of your shopping. They'd built an archway with a scanner in it, and you had to insert the card into the scanner. Up the side of the arch were red lights indicating no prize, €3, €13, €30 or the value of your shopping. For the first three cards the lights stopped on 'no prize', so I was just waiting for the fourth one to do the same when suddenly lights started flashing and bells ringing (well a tape started playing) and the light had stopped at 'value of your shopping'! We had to go to the customer service desk, where they gave us a gift voucher for €231 (of course).

We briefly regretted not buying the television set and video camera we were originally planning to buy as well, but then we probably would have arrived at the till at a different moment and wouldn't have won anyway. And now we can get €231 discount on the video camera next time we go.

Which not surprisingly has made our day - while Jamie's day has also been made by the fact that we are going to the swimming pool this afternoon. Carmen's friend Irene (who lives in Hendaye just over the French border) is here with her two kids and we are all going together.

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