Saturday, October 02, 2004

More deadlines and a party

I spent today chasing deadlines, yawn. I overran the last one by 2 hours, and I now can't wait for my Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice recognition software) to arrive, which according to Kelly (my former boss) has increased his productivity three-fold.

Jamie had a birthday party this afternoon, which Carmen took Jamie and Danny to while I was sweating away at the grindstone, but I managed to get finished in time to bike up to join them for an hour. It was in the cafe we went to after Danny's Christening, opposite the petrol station, and the kids were all playing the play area outside when I arrived. Both our two were having a whale of a time. Danny had a sit on my bike, then wandered over to look at a bunch of motorbikes, "WOW!".

One of the mums there told us that her son had complained that the new English teacher "only spoke English all the time, and the only one who understands her is Jamie". Ha ha! Later on, however, one of the other mums said that her son was refusing to go to school and making a lot of fuss because of this English teacher, who is apparently an older lady and English native speaker. Thinking about it, 5 is a bit young for total language immersion, especially here in Spain where there's not the exposure to other languages that there is in somewhere like Holland. I'll be interested to see what happens. The positive aspect from our point of view is that it's definitely going to help Jamie with her English.

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